Inhumane strip and search on two women PDL visitors (Photo courtesy of Miguel De Guzman/Philippine Star)
The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) has suspended the strip and cavity search on the visits of persons deprived of liberty (PDL), following a complaint by two wives of political prisoners on the alleged inhumane strip search last April.
In the memorandum released by BuCor, BuCOr Director General Gregorio Pio Catapang Jr. conducting a strip and search on those visiting the PDL is immediately stop until further notice.
This includes seven penal colonies nationwide including the New Bilibid Prison, this is while investigating the alleged inhumane strip search complained of by two women who visited their imprison husbands in Bilibid.
The strip search is being implemented to prevent the smuggling of contraband inside the jail, but Catapang insisted that the visitors will still go through a strict security check. The correctional officers will still inspect them but first they will be in the controlled visiting area.
Meeting and talking to the PDLs will be allowed and only for limited hours. Based on BuCor records, the two women who complained, visited the maximum compound more than 16 times. They even signed a waiver so it's a wonder why the two complained just now.
Catapang clarified that they do not have political prisoners inside the camp contrary to what the complainants said. And out of the thousand number of visitors, only two of them complained.
The husband of one of the women who complained was found guilty of illegal possession of firearms, ammunition, and explosives while the other was jailed for rebellion. The two women said no strip searches were done on them during their previous visits.
BuCor is said to be ready to face the congressional investigation, the Commission on Human Rights is also investigating it. Meanwhile, the seven suspended correctional officers who were involved in the strip search in April are already in the process of investigation. Once a violation is proven, they may face administrative charges or be dismissed from service.
Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer
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