A hotel in Negros Occidental has snatched the Guinness World Record of having the largest building in the shape of a chicken (Photo courtesy of Guinness World Records/IG)
In the town of Campuestohan located in Negros Occidental, a chicken shape hotel has been recognized for its "very unique and equally enormous landmark" building design by Guinness World Records.
Measuring, 34.931 m (114 ft 7 in) in height, 12.127 m (39 ft 9 in) in width and 28.172 m (92 ft 5 in) in length. Campuestohan Highland Resort was officially honored with the title of the "largest building in the shape of a chicken" by the world's authority on record-breaking achievements.
Campuestohan Highland Resort owner Ricardo Cano Gwapo Tan called the building “Manok ni Cano Gwapo” reflecting the city’s local culture. "I had a vision to make something with a wow factor that can really leave a footprint of admiration to the public.”
According to the World Record’s website, the conceptualization and planning took no more than six months. The construction began on June 10, 2023 and was completed September 8 this year.
Aside from its chicken-shaped building in the center, Campuestohan Highland Resort also boasts of 15 air-conditioned hotel rooms, a wave pool, a restaurant, a cafe, a swimming pool, Bonita huts, and hundreds of animated figures such as dinosaurs and Marvel characters.
Ricardo said that, "Negros Occidental has a gamefowl industry that employs millions of people in the Philippines. If you look at a rooster, it looks calm and commanding, imposing and strong which reflects the attitude of our people."
He added, "The rooster can stand against strong winds and can withstand pressure from other roosters, an attitude of Negrense people with resilience to recover quickly from any form of difficulties and hardships in life, one trait that their people have in times of crisis and challenges."
“I'm proud to have put my province and my home country on Guinness World Records. Humbled as I am from a poor upbringing where I had to work as a shoeshine boy to earn a living and go to school. I have made my family, my province and my country proud," he highlighted.
Source: Philippine Star
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