Hunger in the country went up to 22.9 percent in September from the recorded 17.6 percent in June based on a non-commissioned survey (Photo courtesy of GMA Integrated News)
More Filipino families experienced “involuntary hunger” or “being hungry and not having anything to eat” at least once in the past three months based on the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey as hunger rate rises to 22.9 percent.
National Social Weather Survey found that in September 2024, the 22.9 percent was 5.3 points above the 17.6 percent in June 2024 and is the highest since the record-high 30.7 percent in September 2020.
The SWS noted that the three-quarter hunger average for 2024 of 18.2% was 7.5 points higher than the annual hunger average in 2023 of 10.7%. The latest involuntary hunger rate is composed of 16.8 percent who said their families experienced moderate hunger (from 12.8 percent in December) and 6.1 percent who experienced severe hunger (from 4.9 percent).
Moderate hunger is defined as those who experienced hunger “only once” or “a few times” in the last three months, while severe hunger refers to those who experienced it “often” or “always” in the last three months.
The survey also showed that experienced hunger in Mindanao almost doubled from 15.7 percent to 30.7 percent. Followed by a sharp increase in Visayas, from 13.7 percent in June 2024 to 26 percent in September.
Hunger in Metro Manila rose slightly from 20.0 percent in June to 21.7 percent in September, the rest of Luzon dropped from 19.6 percent in June to 18.1 percent in September.
SWS conducted the survey using face-to-face interviews with 1,500 adults nationwide from September 14 to 23 and a margin of error of plus/minus 2.5 percent for the national percentages.
“Hunger occurs at different rates among the poor and the non-poor. At any single point in time, hunger is usually higher among the poor. From quarter to quarter, however, the hunger rates among the poor and among the non-poor may change, either upward or downward,” SWS said.
Source: Philippine Star
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