558 establishments operating without certificates (Photo courtesy of Lionel Bonaventure/Inquirer)
Gas station, sari-sari store, and several other businesses were discovered around Chocolate Hills even though it was banned. According to some Congressmen, they were built because there is a loophole in the law that protects natural tourist destinations.
Some Congressmen blame the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for the emergence of illegal structures and businesses around the Chocolate hills. During the chamber hearing, it was discovered that more than 600 businesses are inside the Chocolate Hills monument. That includes gas stations, sari-sari stores, piggery, resorts, and small businesses. That's in addition to the then viral Captain's Peek Garden Resort.
Even worse, many of these establishments do not have permits. Among the requirements are the Environmental Compliance Certificate and endorsement from the designated Area Management Board (PAMB). Chocolate Hills is considered a protected area.
Under the Expanded National Integrated Protected Area System Act of 2018 (ENIPAS), the problem is that before the implementation of the law, some land has been sold and given title since 1927. Notice of violation has been given to some of the businesses.
House Deputy Majority Leader Erwin Tulfo insisted, why let the law pass if there is such a problem. The DENR needs to clarify the policy on structures that can and cannot be built there. According to Tulfo, how is the economy and livelihood of the people in the protected area due to the problem of the law that was enacted in 2018.
“With violations. Because every development must have ECC. But they are not illegal because they are titled. They should only be guided by the Biodiversity Management Bureau,” said Environmental Management Bureau Region VII Director Ma. Victoria V. Abrera.
Lawmakers also wonder why PAMB advanced the construction of Captain's Peak Garden and Resort. It is forbidden to build infrastructure in some parts near the foot of the Chocolate Hills. Because of that, lawmakers are studying the amendment to the ENIPAS Act.
Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer
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