The adjustments on PNP checkpoints will be implemented amid discrimination on motorcycle riders (Photo courtesy of Philippine Star)
The Philippine National Police (PNP) announce that it will change the rules of the implementation of checkpoints in concerns of profiling of motorcycle riders.
The PNP Directorate for Operations' previously issued a memorandum on June 22 in relation to complaints on the alleged selective implementation of checkpoint operations.
“The non-adherence by some PNP personnel to the policy has placed the PNP in an awkward position that cannot be defended, no matter the reason for such discriminatory implementation,” PNP Directorate for Operations director Brig. Gen. Nicolas Salvador said.
Due to recent crimes involving suspects on motorcycles, the profiling of motorcycle riders has been intensified at checkpoints to eradicate riding-in-tandem.
“But we have to change this. The supposed crimes committed by riding-in-tandems are no longer as rampant as before so we have to change how we conduct the checkpoints. Rest assured, we will change it,” Marbil stated.
PNP chief Gen. Rommel Francisco Marbil instructed manning checkpoints to include cars and four-wheeled vehicles and reminded the unit commanders and chiefs of police to follow the correct rules of conducting checkpoint.
PNP Directorate for Operations’ memorandum, checkpoint operations are now directed to target “all types of vehicles,” moving away from practices perceived as discriminatory.
A common reason why motorcyclists are stopped is to check their licenses and registration. In other cars, among the reasons are if there is no license plate and if the tint is too dark.
Source: Philippine Star
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