Fitness Journey During Pandemic
During the pandemic, people found ways to entertain themselves rather than wallow in the sadness of life. Some focus their attention on what they love to do—their passions. Either through music, the arts, or cooking, some people start to be healthy by taking a diet or doing exercises.
Some may find it hard to lose weight, but it just takes effort, dedication, and most importantly, discipline. I wanted to share my fitness journey, the start of healthy living, without doing too much or spending too much.
I start my day with one glass of warm water before eating or drinking anything else. In eating, you should avoid foods with high calories, like rice and starches, or maybe lessen them. For breakfast, I eat wheat bread, eggs, and still warm water. Eating oily and fatty foods should also be avoided or lessened. For lunch, it could be a vegetable salad, fish, or yogurt. It is also good for you to fast and drink tea.
What I really love on my journey is doing exercise that you can also do inside your homes. It started when I saw a tutorial or exercise video on YouTube. It could be through dancing or a workout. You can search for videos that you want to do and just follow them. What’s good is that you don’t need to have a timer beside you because it is also shown on the video.
Like dance exercise or Zumba, workout to lose or gain weight, exercise to have abs or flatten your stomach, and remove your fat. Sweating is good for the body; for me, it also helps me relax as my brain doesn’t think of anything, and it also gives me satisfaction when I am sweating because I can feel that all of my effort will have a good outcome.
A workout or exercise shouldn’t be overdone; it should be just enough. Do some research on how to properly start and end an exercise.
Going to the gym now is also good. What’s your recommended gym to go to?
