Where to Find Sources for Review of Related Literature (RRL)

Photo courtesy of Wageningen University & Research
Found these sites where you can find references in research and academic search engines for references! Don’t want to gatekeep it, so why not share it!
PDFDrive - 205 million books for direct download in all disciplines PDF.
Global ETD Search - Global ETD Search Engine over 4 million PDF studies.
Theses.fr - Scientific base of theses and diaries for students and researchers.
Springer Link - World's largest website to download paid researches and books for free.
OhioLINK - More than 65 thousand master and Ph.D. messages you can read and download.
Lib Guides Community - A website that offers you research and exploration service over 318968 research guides supervised by more than 53731 librarians in 3856 libraries worldwide.
DOAJ - Searching for and downloading the entire papers for free allows you to download more than 9000 respectable court scientific journals.
BASE - One of the world's most massive search engines especially for open electronic scientific sources. The website is supervised by the management of the German University Library.
Eric - It is an online digital library of education research and information sponsored by the Institute of Educational Sciences. Provides easy access to educational resources to support their use in improving learning and teaching practices, educational decision-making, and research.
Infotopia - A research engine for students provides information and an archive of art sites and topics, history, social sciences, issues, and community problems.
Google Scholar - The scientific researcher from Google offers an easy way to research on a large scale in scientific material you can search through many disciplines and sources: articles, university letters, books, summaries, and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional associations, and other sites.
Refseek - Search engine dedicated to students and researchers, categorizes more than a billion subjects, including web pages, books, encyclopedia, magazines, and newspapers.
The Virtual LRC - Indexing thousands of the best academic information sites, selected by teachers and libraries around the world, to provide students and teachers with the proper information for academic projects for schools and universities.
SweetSearch - A website that helps students quickly collect information, by identifying the most relevant findings from a credible resource list, and facilitates them to find initial sources away from unwanted sites and marginal sites that lack academic rigor.
DeepDyve - A website that lets you search thousands of leading scientific journals like) Springer, Elsevier, Nature, IEEE, Wiley-Blackwell, and more...
Her articles can also be read uninterrupted and connected through your email with the latest scientific material on the subject of your choice:
LibGen - here where you can literally find ANYTHING,, from story books, to textbooks, to sci articles.
Project Gutenberg - Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks.
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