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Planning to Start your Own Business?

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Photo courtesy of CFO Consulting 


Thinking to start your own business? 


Thinking about it may be hard, all the process you have to go through and all the things you need to consider. But once you’re there you just have to trust the process, and here’s some tips on putting up your own business.


Mindset. Your business wouldn’t be successful if you don’t believe in yourself. It takes confidence and trust that you will reach the finish line. You need to start within yourself before you start putting up your business, know that there will be a down times  that things will not go on your way, because it happens.


Don’t rush things, if nothings happening in the start, yes it is part of the process. It is a step by step process, and sometimes it would take a year for a successful business. So, the key is not giving up.


Concept. Conceptualize what business you want, it may be your passion or a thing you love to do. But what’s more important you should know something about your business, if wanted to start a food business and you don’t know how to cook, it might be hard for you. Additionally it would add in your expenses if will need to get manpower or staff.


Research. Know all the things to consider in starting up. The competitors, the place your setting up the business, the number of people around that, will people like it, know your target customers, there are many things to know in starting.


Plan and Structure. Create a plan on what, where, when, and how. Plan on what will be the process, where should it happen, when will it be. List all the questions and things that comes in your mind, then construct what will you do about it. It would be much better if you have a timeline, a goal in putting up your business.


Materials. For the raw materials or materials you needed for your business, make sure to find an affordable, quality, and trusted supplier. And the most important thing is having a back up supplier in case you ran out of supplies. 


Finance. In starting your business, it’s your choice whether to invest small or big. Just like what they say, it’s a risk to take, so things are not definite that’s why a wide and open mindset is needed. 


Documents. Once your business is set and you’ve handled everything on setting up, prepare all the documents needed for registration and licenses. Take care of all the legal steps and process needed. 


Promote. It would be great to promote while setting up your business, because people will know about it and will give them excitement and curiosity on what are the things you have. Do you have new things to offer.


Are you a business owner? Share some advices and tips for future entrepreneurs and businessmen!     


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