Pets Affecting Mental and Human Health

Photo courtesy of Business Insider
Many individuals are now choosing to have a pet with them at home, before, people are having cat or dog and now they want other pets to take care of like birds, fish, and other animals they wanted to have.
According to studies, 64% of Filipino households have pets in their household. For Filipinos, pets are not just a pet to take care of, for many these are a friend and a buddy that’s there beside you that makes them happy. Pets can be taught and they could understand, pet owners have been uploading videos of their pet doing adorable things that netizens found cute.
Research says that the connection between pets and human health have benefits boosting mental and physical health of a person. Where pets keep company making people feel less alone, makes one person laugh and smile that lifts mood and manage stress, comfort during hard times, and gives an individual a routine and a purpose.
On Harvard Health it states that "Pets provide us with a sense of belonging, connection, and contentment for which we all long. The excitement dogs often display when you arrive home makes you feel special and loved. Hearing a cat's gentle purring can be very soothing. Sitting quietly and stroking your pet's soft coat can trigger the release of oxytocin, the so-called love hormone.”
Other benefits of owning a pet are lower blood pressure, it supports heart health, learning responsibilities, improves immunity for better physical health and exercise, eases pain and decreases stress, improves mood, promote social connectedness and other more.
“Pets can provide their owners with more than companionship. A new study shows they can also help create human-to-human friendships and social support, both of which are good for long-term health.”
Are you a pet owner? Share some adorable stories and captured moments with your buddy in the Community!
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